Friday 15 January 2021

Two weeks into 2021

We're now saying goodbye to the first two weeks of the year 2021. Time flew for me. I've been caught up with myself, spending quality time with myself. I've been trying to define, refine and be fully aware of what I'm feeling and how I react to situations. 

I recently picked up yoga (finally). Despite only having gone for two weeks, I was sold. I finally got it, I got the "woo-woo" of yoga - the practice of the meditation, the mindfulness, the nothingness and being fully aware of the present. These fundamentals I acquired have so far been so beneficial in both the physical and mental parts of my life. I has helped me refocus, be aware and be confident. I've been so preachy about yoga and religious about going for classes I shock myself sometimes - waking up at 5.45 am to get to 7.00 am classes, is that even me? I'm hopeful to keep an update of this journey ^^

On the professional side, work has been picking up speed. Things I did not understand before were now starting to make sense (that "oooooh I get it" moments flooding in). I finally understood what it meant by fundamentally understanding why we do a certain task we do in a certain way, that sense of urgency that led to process improvements, the proactiveness the job requires and learning to prioritise. It's so different from the role I once had in my first corporate job. Challenging but fulfilling. Additionally, I'm starting to feel like I'm getting to know my team on a deeper level and I'm really appreciating their company much more.

It's funny how we like scoffing off about new year being well, new year yet many of us take the start of the year to reset and subconsciously take notice of what happened over a course of a period in the past; its successes and the lessons learned. Without it, will most of us take effort to re-evaluate ourselves? 

I count that as a good thing.

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